People are rude, harsh, and nonaccepting. Most times it is the way they were raised, others learn it from others. Children especially are known to point out differences in people’s clothes, skin tone, and other things like speech. As in “Raising a Black Boy in America”, the author’s son used to tell people apart using shirt color which one predisposition of inclusion. Inclusion occurs mainly with people of the same race and people who act the same rather than do what they want to do. Inclusion is a large battle of peer pressure as well. It is not just the people getting excluded that are being bullied but also the people included. Some find the fact that people are different hard to understand. They exclude some because of the way they look; the ones that are included are harshly judged by the people around them. But why is it so hard to include people? I believe that inclusion comes from a variety of things stemming from how a person was raised and the way society looks at the inclusion of others.
I think people cover because it is a natural way to blend in and not be judged for who they are. They suppress who they really are in order to blend in. I believe people do this as a defense mechanism; they strongly dislike the feeling of being made fun of or even discriminated against, therefore they hide.